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In 2020, Acoplasticos, the Bogota International Business and Exhibition Center, Corferias and Messe Düsseldorf North America signed an alliance for the joint organization of ColombiaPlast - one of the most important international trade fairs for the plastics, rubber, petrochemical and packaging industries in Latin America - in order to strengthen and consolidate it as the region·s leading trade fair for these industrial sectors.

For the first time, the alliance allows a Latin American trade fair, such as ColombiaPlast, to join Messe Düsseldorf·s portfolio of "Global Gate" fairs for plastics and rubber, which represents, for this business platform in the sector, access with potential coverage to promising emerging markets in Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, China, India and Southeast Asia. The above allows businessmen from Colombia and the entire region the opportunity to learn about the latest technological advances and the latest trends in the industry, under the joint organization with offices in Germany, Chicago and Bogota.

It is worth noting that Messe Düsseldorf is the organizer of K, the world·s No. 1 trade fair for plastics and rubber, which is held every three years in Düsseldorf, Germany, and which, in its latest version, hosted more than 3,300 exhibitors from 63 countries. Messe Düsseldorf·s experience in organizing trade fairs for plastics and rubber worldwide, together with its extensive network of sales offices and subsidiaries in 141 countries, will increase the international participation of exhibitors and visitors at ColombiaPlast and help the fair grow.

ACOPLÁSTICOS, founded in 1961, is the trade association that brings together and represents in Colombia the industry of plastics, rubber, petrochemical, chemical, paints and similar coatings, inks, fibers, composite materials and 3D printing. Its main objectives are to promote the sustainable development of the industries it represents, to contribute to the business management of its members and to be the spokesperson thereof before the government and public, private, national and international entities. For more than 20 years, it has organized ColombiaPlast, within the framework of the Bogota International Trade Fair, as a meeting event for the plastics and rubber industries.

CORFERIAS, with more than 60 years of experience, seeks to strengthen the links of cooperation between Colombia and the world community through the organization of fairs, exhibitions, events and conventions, promoting the generation of qualified contacts between visitors and exhibitors in a venue operated under international standards. It also promotes and arranges Colombia·s participation in fairs and exhibitions held abroad, and participates as a partner of companies having the same objective in order to promote the industrial or commercial development of the country.



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